TICKETS: $30 in Advance (non-refundable), or $35 on the day of the Tour

Advance ticket purchases


Use the PayPal button below to purchase tickets by credit card (you do not need a PayPal account to use this method). Print your PayPal receipt and bring it to Franklin Park on the day of the tour to pick up your Tour Guidebook. Tickets may be purchased online at the advance purchase price until midnight, Sept. 26th, 2015. 

Advance TICKETS were $30 each - TODAY they are $35 each. 

To purchase multiple tickets, make your selection above, and click "Add to Cart."
When the shopping cart appears, enter the desired number of tickets in the Quantity box, and click "update."
If you don't have a PayPal account, click the "Checkout" button.

Please print out your PayPal receipt and bring it with you to claim your Tour Guidebook.


Advance tickets may be purchased at the Alameda Museum between Sept. 23rd and Sept. 26th. Tickets purchased at the Museum, on-line, at merchants, or by mail, may be immediately exchanged for the Home Tour Guidebook during this time. 

Advance tickets WILL BE AVAILABLE IN JULY at the following locations :
You may exchange your advance ticket or PayPal receipt for a tour guidebook Sept. 23rd through 26th at the  Alameda Museum  (between 1:30–4:00 Wednesday through Friday or on Saturday from 11:00–4:00).

Day-of-Tour Purchases

Tickets may be purchased at the Alameda Museum (from 1:30 - 4 p.m.) or at the tour starting point in  Franklin Park  on the day of the Tour. Note that Franklin Park is a public park, and tickets will be sold there only on Tour day, between 10:00 a.m. and 4 p.m.

For information and phone reservations call Diane Coler-Dark, .  EMAIL Questions: